Advies Raad van State

A request for advice on the mandate of the Intergovernmental Conference to revise the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community.

[Gepubliceerd: 2019-01-28] A request for advice on the mandate of the Intergovernmental Conference to revise the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community.
Jaar: 2019 Raad van State Documenten: 1

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Documenten (1)
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Identifier nl.oorg10008.2e.2019.1284
Aanbieder (Naam) Raad van State
Titel A request for advice on the mandate of the Intergovernmental Conference to revise the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community.
Beschrijving A request for advice on the mandate of the Intergovernmental Conference to revise the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community.
Publicatiedatum 2019-01-28
Jaar 2019
Type 2e - Advies
Aanbieder (Code) oorg10008
Totaal aantal documenten 1
Bron Originele publicatie
Verkregen op 2024-03-30
Aantal pagina's in dossier 14